A business has many needs, and writing connects to them all. The writing needs of a company touches every aspect of its work.
Some of the writing needs are small — like brief notices or emails. But even the smallest writing jobs need quality. A wrong word or tone, even in the shortest memo, can have a costly negative impact on morale or worktime.
There are also a good number of LARGER ASSIGNMENTS where quality business writing can profit a company.
WHITE PAPERS present company news in a more reasoned way than ads.
But reasoning need not be rote and hard to follow. It can be striking and clear.
Expressing the foundation and goals of a business.
Something you really want to mean and say as well as you can.
for when what’s called for involves dialogue, a scenario or any kind of scripting.
A well-established playwright and playwriting teacher can’t help but help.
We all know how maddening a confusing or over-technical manual is. Robert’s basic writing clarity and experience with technical instruction for IT departments in top NYC law firms will ensure your manuals are appreciated. A well-written manual keeps your customers glad they bought from you.
BIOGRAPHIES, LETTERS, RELEASES – these and many other business writing needs, if taken care of with the same standard of excellence the company prides itself on, can’t help but prove worth the investment.
A BUSINESS WRITER’S NEED — A business writer needs to meet the people he will be writing for, and hear the voices his writing will reflect.
For a free consult with Robert, click here for contact information.
How important is good writing to your business needs? Far more important than most companies realize, says the Harvard Business Review.